

Holding your first guitar !

You can play your guitar how you feel comfort yes that's true.
But for fast stage playing you need to follow some

First thing is how to hold the guitar?
It's basically for the solo and lead part. And the for chords ?
Yea, you can play how you feel comfort to hold the chord. Some person learn the guitar just from online and themselves . They learn from the guitar tab through online.
Like has a largest number of tabs collection. ( click Here to browse  tabs)

Okay lets start

  • Sitting position.
    There are two type of position to sitting and holding the guitar.

  • i) Classical Position 

    ii) Casual position

    Classical position is little complicated to get used to. But when you can play with this style you'll be able to play in any style easily. And the casual position is really meant to be casual however you hold the guitar casually. Okay, now put your guitar on your right leg/thigh. And put your right feet on something to the ground.

  • For the Left hand :
    Keep your lft hand's thumb on the middle of the fret.
    I mean back side of the fret.
    Keep your other four fingers straight to the fret.
    Place the first finger on the first fret,
    second on the second fret, third on the third, fourth on the fourth fret.
    Curve your hand to make fingers allign straight to the fret.

  • For the Right Hand : holding the guitar pick!
    Keep the guitar pick on the edge of your index finger.

    Then put the thum on it. Press and hold it.
    Next thinmg is :
    Keep your palm on the guitar bridge. Make sure any string is not muted.
    Then play with alternate picking : down , up: down , up
    Start with the 6th string . Allways Play with metronome.
    After 16 beats go to the 5th string and take your hand little ahead against the sound hole.
    Continue this through the next strings. I( mean when you'll play the 1st string, your hand/palm will be almost near to the sound hole.
    And the palm will mute 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd string.
    It's kind of rock descipline.
    Comment if you have any question or you like it.
    Thank you
  • 1 comment:

    1. amaizing.....its good for us who are learning guiter frist time...
